Is collecting a passion for you?

Whether you are a fan of movies, anime or comics, each category has its own 3D objects.

This paragraph is addressed to everyone since we also take care of the restoration of resin objects in the Sablon, in Brussels and in the region. Whether you are a collector of figurines or a simple amateur. Atelier Coperta in Brussels is also a figurine restorer. These experts in figurine restoration in Brussels are able to restore your comic book figurines, your Star Wars figurines, your Pokemon figurines, your pixies...

Each material has its own repair and know-how

  • The materials :

The main ingredient for restoring your figures is resin glue. It allows you to effectively glue metals, PVC-polyethylene type plastics and even lead soldiers.

  • Know-how :

our experts repair your figurines to the highest standard.

  • What is my figure worth?

It is difficult to estimate the value of a figurine without seeing it. But some criteria increase its value. For example, if it is a collector's item, a rare item, the condition of your miniature.

How much does it cost to restore my figure?

To know the price of your figurine, I invite you to contact us for a resin restoration or to know more about the porcelain restoration workshop. Coperta is located in Sablon (Brussels), not far from Marolles, Dansaert or the European district, close to Forest, Uccle, Anderlecht, Ixelles or Schaerbeek.

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